About me

Hi, I'm Sean.

Computer Science Major with Minor in Data Science and a Concentration in Game Programming and Development.


  • controller icon

    Game Development

    I've worked with Unity to create several 2D and 3D games, primarily working as a programmer.

  • Machine learning icon

    Machine Learning

    I've implemented several machine learning algortithms from scratch as well as trained and validated classification models.

  • Art icon


    While most of my school and work experience has been STEM related, I do enjoy opportunities to be creative, whether it be drawing or 3D modeling.

  • Philadelphia icon


    I am a huge Philadelphia enthusiast, especially when it comes to its culture, food, and sports. If you ever need a cheesesteak recommendation, feel free to reach out!



  1. Drexel Univeristy

    September 2018 - September 2023

    Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
    Minor in Data Science
    Concentration in Game Programming and Development


  1. Lockheed Martin - Systems Engineer Co-op

    March 2022 — September 2022

    • Worked on the integration, testing, and verification of several high priority initiatives within the program
    • Wrote test procedures for several new implementations, specifically targeting regression, unit, and integration tests
    • Utilized Rational DOORS to reference, modify, and create requirements for Aegis Combat System
    • Collaborated with team and SME’s daily to gather information and perform tasks effectively
    • Fully investigated issues submitted to the team, writing detailed proposed solutions when applicable or directing to the appropriate team
    • Wrote Java code to fix the test failures and issues encountered while executing test procedures
    • Utilize Jira, Confluence, and BitBucket to track assigned tasks, update team documentation, and implement fixes for software issues

  2. Data Scientist Co-op - Comcast

    March 2021 — September 2021

    • Participated in key stages of the Data Science Lifecycle including data mining, data cleaning, and exploratory data analysis
    • Performed ad hoc analysis for several key Comcast initiatives used by senior management for pivotal business decisions
    • Developed dynamic project planning modules to aid Scrum Masters in sprint development, capable of being customized for each Scrum Master’s requirements
    • Wrote custom scripts to manipulate and feed data to several modules for team’s Data Science portal
    • Planned, documented, coordinated, and executed QA Testing Efforts for a team initiative
    • Wrote key documentation including a Business Requirements Document, Products Requirements
    • Documents, Data Design Document, QA Test Plan, QA Test Scripts, and Project Plan
    • Worked with AWS S3, AWS SageMaker, Impala, Hive, Python and Zeppelin for data storage, data analysis, and data labeling applications

  3. Manual QA Tester - Customized Energy Solutions

    April 2020 — March 2021

    • Analyzed business requirements and technical acceptance criteria each sprint to create comprehensive test cases, consisting of positive, negative, and regression scenarios
    • Utilized Bitbucket to check each user story’s commits to see changes made, to know how the tested functionality should work, and to find additional test case scenarios
    • Conditioned test data through the webservice’s UI, RESTful API POST requests, and SQL queries when unconditioned test data was not sufficient for all necessary testing scenarios
    • Executed test plans to validate new and existing UI functionality, RESTful API GET and POST requests, CSV file data import processes, and successful data extractions to client-facing AWS hosted databases
    • Utilized technologies such as SQL Server Profiler and Azure Service Bus to test various queue-based and backend processes
    • Utilized different team collaboration tools such as Jira, Bitbucket, and Confluence to report results of testing, analyze code changes, and document important information for future reference

My skills

  • Computer Science Technologies

    • Microsoft SQL Server
    • SQL Profiler
    • Amazon S3
    • Amazon SageMaker

  • Game Dev Technologies

    • Unity
    • Maya
    • Perforce
    • Adobe Photoshop

  • Computer Languages

    • Python,
    • C#,
    • Transact-SQL
    • Impala SQL
    • Hive SQL

  • Agile

    • Github
    • Jira,
    • BitBucket
    • Confluence

